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Ashampoo core tuner 2.01 free download. Ashampoo Core Tuner 2.01

You can also fine-tune individual processes, display a live view of the current workloads of all your processor cores and enhance the overall performance of your system with additional tools. If you want to really max out your machine’s performance you can manually fine-tune the core workload settings for every program you use. You can set the “priority” in five levels to adjust the amount of processor power each program gets.
You can also specify how many processor cores each program gets to use. This can deliver particularly good results with modern graphics and video editing programs and other applications that make full use of multiple processors. Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 3 3. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding this application Ashampoo Core Tuner 2. You may click the publisher link of Ashampoo Core Tuner on the top of this page to get more details about the vendor.
Make Qweas. Register Login Help Send Feedback. Related Reviews – more. Full size screenshot. For instant results you just need to select Auto-Optimize to optimize all the programs you are running or Boost to give more power to a single program. Read more about Ashampoo Core Tuner Ashampoo Core Tuner 2. KG , More products. New Updates. Average User Ratings 0 votes :. Your Rating click to rate it :. Submit Your Review.
Ashampoo core tuner 2.01 free download
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Download Ashampoo Core Tuner 2 for Windows | – Ashampoo Core Tuner 2.01
Trusted Windows (PC) download Ashampoo Core Tuner Virus-free and % clean download. Get Ashampoo Core Tuner alternative downloads. May 03, · Download Now! Buy Now! Ashampoo Core Tuner 2 enables the optimal use of all resources for improved computer performance and a smooth workflow. The program itself hardly uses up system resources thanks to driver technology. Last update 3 May. Licence Free to try | $ OS Support Windows XP Downloads Total: | Last week: 0 5/5(1). Qweas is providing links to Ashampoo Core Tuner as a courtesy, and makes no representations regarding Ashampoo Core Tuner or any other applications or any information related thereto. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding this application Ashampoo Core Tuner must be directed to the appropriate software vendor. You may click the publisher link of Ashampoo Core Tuner on the MB:
Ashampoo core tuner 2.01 free download
Despite to the fact that it is more and more normal to come across high capacity processors everyday, it may be that your PC isn’t carrying out the best possible use of yours.
Are you detecting problems when it comes to launching applications? Slow response or programs that freeze? Ashampoo Core Tuner is the solution. Ashampoo Core Tuner optimizes the use of the processor managing to distribute the tasks in a more effective and reasonable way, thus managing to optimize each process by making use of the driver technology. This process optimization can be performed both manually as well as automatically. The steps you have to follow to optimize your computer are simple.
Go to the task list, that shows each and every one of the processes that is running on your computer and select what you want to optimize. After that, change the priority and the amount of cores of the CPU destined to each process by creating rules that will be saved in the program. You will always be able to edit your rules to your own liking. You will also be able to act on the Windows services and the programs that take part in the system startup. Both functions have their own section within the program’s interface, that is rather complete and offers the chance to choose between two colors.
Improve the performance of your PC optimizing the tasks that the processor has to run. You only have to download Ashampoo Core Tuner , your computer will really notice the different and offer a better performance. Manage and assign the tasks to the different cores of your PC, download Ashampoo Core Tuner Vote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Requirements and additional information:. The trial version can be used during 10 days.
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