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How To Enable DirectPlay In Windows 10 (Gamers Guide) – Softlay

For many users who would like to play old games on Windows 10, there is much need for you to get the error that an app on your PC needs the following Windows feature DirectPlay. Another condition is that when you open some tools like Adobe PS Elements 12, a pop-up prompts you to download Directplay.
Hence, you are supposed to download Windows 10 direct play in order to run some old programs properly. Now before getting deeper into the Directplay Windows 10, it is wise for you to learn about what the direct play is used for on Windows This direct play application programming interface makes it possible to develop multiplayer software, such as game applications.
With DirectPlay Windows 10, your games can be logged with two or more users and the network on your PC can enable different users to communicate with each other in the similar server.
From the perspective, you can obviously see how vital it is if you want to play the older games on Windows But by default, although the direct play is deprecated as a Windows component, the DirectPlay is embedded into Windows So what you are supposed to do is just to enable it. That is why you are unable to open and run certain programs if the direct play is not installed or activated on Windows Now it is high time that you managed to enable DirectPlay for Windows Or for some users, perhaps you have to download Windows DirectPlay on your computer.
When you hit upon the problem that you cannot install direct play for Windows 10 or an app on your PC needs the following Windows feature DirectPlay on Windows 10, you would better enable the direct play. Then you will navigate to Programs and Features window, here hit Turn Window features on or off. Then Windows Features window, scroll down to locate and expand Legacy Components and then check the box of DirectPlay.
The minute you clicked OK and exited from Windows feature, you will have already enabled direct play for Windows Or it is also likely that Windows 10 prompts you to reboot your PC in order to take effect. Microsoft DirectPlay has been deprecated. So when you are prompted to download DirectPlay to solve the problem, you only need to download Microsoft DirectX to open the game or program normally. Once you have enabled the direct play for Windows 10, but the games are still out of work even after that, maybe it is some of the applications that prevent you from using the DirectPlay.
Therefore, you may as well decide to remove the Windows 10 antivirus software recently installed on your PC. To get rid of these problematic applications, just in Programs and Features of Control Panel , right click the software to Uninstall it. At the moment there is no software that hinders you from enabling or downloading the Directplay Windows 10, try to open the old game to see if it go back to normal. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Program windows settings. Download DirectPlay Overview For many users who would like to play old games on Windows 10, there is much need for you to get the error that an app on your PC needs the following Windows feature DirectPlay.
What is DirectPlay? In this sense, you would be free to enjoy the old games on Windows Normally, if DirectPlay is not corrupted or missing, you are able to enable it here. Go to the Control Panel. On this occasion, it is up to you to play old games even on Windows Solution 3: Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus Program Once you have enabled the direct play for Windows 10, but the games are still out of work even after that, maybe it is some of the applications that prevent you from using the DirectPlay.
In a word, this post can help you download, install, and enable Windows 10 direct play. You Might Also Like. Accessories windows settings.
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Directplay windows 10 free. MICROSOFT.DIRECTX.DIRECTPLAY.DLL
Step 1 – Download and install DirectPlay: For enabling DirectPlay in Windows 10, you need to download Direct Play. · Step 2 – Turn off Anti-Virus: · Step 3 –. Download and install to fix missing or corrupted DLL errors. Free, Safe and Secure. Click on the top result to launch the classic Control Panel application.
Directplay windows 10 free
You will need to enable DirectPlay to run older Windows games. DirectPlay in Windows is a part of DirectX that creates a link between multiple players in a game. Primarily DirectPlay enables the players to use multiplayer functionality to run games that predate in Windows 10 PC. Its main role is to act as a network communicator allowing PC games to connect to the internet to find game sessions for players.
With this feature installed and enabled, you can easily join a multiplayer gaming session that you have left earlier. After the release of modern games using Windows Live, DirectPlay has become a depreciated feature. If you still want to run an aged multiplayer game then you will need to enable DirectPlay on Windows In case you have already enabled DirectPlay on Windows 10 and you are still getting an error such as error code 0x or app on your PC need the following Windows feature: DirectPlay.
All you need is to disable the antivirus program temporarily install DirectPlay on Windows 10 and then restart the game in question. Windows 10 has a built-in option to run old games that are originally developed for older Windows OS. You may already have that in the shape of DirectX. To remove DirectPlay, you need to follow the same steps that you have used to enable DirectPlay on Windows We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
Accept Decline. Free Download. Run Game in Compatibility Mode Fix 3. How to Remove DirectPlay from Windows Share your love.
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How to Download DirectPlay on Windows 10/11
I recently downloaded windows I clicked the instruction in Windows and it directplay windows 10 free into search mode for ages with no result. We directplay windows 10 free be glad to help you with the issue you have with the computer. I understand the frustration when things don’t work the way it should.
Microsoft DirectPlay has been deprecated. Deprecated components of “Microsoft DirectX 9. Hope this information is helpful.
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I have read other answers to this predictament but they dont appear to address PS Elements. Would appreciate advice please. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Hi Grahame, Thank you for your interest in Windows What is the version of DirectPlay are you trying to install? How are you trying to install Direct Play? How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. This site in other languages x.