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Software » Audio Editors » Audacity 3. Help us keep the list up to date and submit new video software here. Download free trial! Software Home » Audio Editors. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio.
Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording.
This is a list of features in Audacity, the free, open source, cross-platform audio editor. For full information on how to use these features, go to the help pages. Recording Audacity can record live audio through a microphone or mixer, or digitize recordings from cassette tapes, records, or minidiscs. With some sound cards, Audacity can also capture streaming audio. Device Toolbar manages multiple input and output devices.
Timer Record and Sound Activated Recording features. Dub over existing tracks to create multi-track recordings. Record at high sample rates in excess of , Hz subject to appropriate hardware. Record multiple channels at once subject to appropriate hardware. Level meters can monitor volume levels before, during and after recording. Clipping can be displayed in the waveform or in a label track. Import and Export Import sound files, edit them, and combine them with other files or new recordings.
Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once. Import and export all formats supported by libsndfile such as GSM 6. Import raw headerless audio files using the “Import Raw” command.
Sound Quality Supports bit, bit and bit floating point samples the latter preserves samples in excess of full scale. Sample rates and formats are converted using high-quality resampling and dithering.
Tracks with different sample rates or formats are converted automatically in real time. Unlimited sequential Undo and Redo to go back any number of steps. Edit and mix large numbers of tracks. Multiple clips are allowed per track. Label tracks with selectable Sync-Lock Tracks feature for keeping tracks and labels synchronized.
Draw Tool to alter individual sample points. Envelope Tool to fade the volume up or down smoothly. Automatic Crash Recovery in the event of abnormal program termination. Accessibility Tracks and selections can be fully manipulated using the keyboard. Large range of keyboard shortcuts.
Effects Change the pitch without altering the tempo or vice-versa. Remove static, hiss, hum or other constant background noises. Remove Vocals from suitable stereo tracks. Create voice-overs for podcasts or DJ sets using Auto Duck effect. Effects written in the Nyquist programming language can be easily modified in a text editor – or you can even write your own plug-in. Analysis Spectrogram view modes for visualizing frequencies.
Contrast Analysis for analyzing average rms volume differences between foreground speech and background music. Support for adding VAMP analysis plug-ins. Audio Editors. Post review Show all 30 reviews. SO without “FFmpeg for Audacity” , supported formats are very less Reason for low rating please update “ffmpeg for audacity ” frequently or at least make audacity to use ffmpeg builds static or shared available for Windows like zeranoe builds. Review by audacityEnthusuast on Aug 5, Version: 2.
It has been a long time I have been using Audacity and then it was working very fine especially upto 2. Review by parag on Oct 2, Version: 2. Rating by Pollux on Jul 14, Version: 2. It might not be as pretty as recent audio editing software, but this is still my go-to audio package for vinyl ripping, basic editing and track splitting. It’s easy to use, stable and well supported. The basic ‘Effects’ work well enough, and you can supplement them with powerful third party plug-ins. The ‘Chains’ scripting interface could be a little easier to use for newbies though.
Kudos to the developers. Review by AlanC on Aug 15, Version: 2. It may be disabled when installing or after installation. Free Trial version available for download and testing with usually a time limit or limited functions.
No installation is required. It works on bit and bit Windows. It works only on bit Windows. It works on bit and bit Mac OS. It works only on bit Mac OS. Be careful when you install the software and disable addons that you don’t want!
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Audacity 2.1 3 download windows 10. Audacity (32bit) 2.1.3
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Download Audacity for Windows –
This audacity 2.1 3 download windows 10 is just a user guide that can help по ссылке learn how to download, install and use Audacity, understand and learn all the guides about Audacity’s functions. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. Available to United States residents.
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Language supported English United States. Additional terms Terms of transaction. Seizure warnings Photosensitive seizure warning. Report this product Report this app to Microsoft Thanks for reporting your concern. Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. Sign in to report this app to Microsoft. Report this app to Microsoft. Report this app to Microsoft Potential violation Offensive узнать больше здесь Child exploitation Malware or virus Privacy concerns Misleading app Poor performance.
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